Saturday, August 29, 2009

Who likes to drink prune juice?

I told my friend about the SIY Contest, where you can win a box of it worth RM198. My friend told me that she not like to drink prune that is why she skipped the contest.

At first I do not know it taste like prune but after taking it, yeah its prune. I know everyone has a taste on everything but not everything that we will like. I have seen other packaging and brand, the bottle is much bigger! It will be even harder to drink it. As for SIY it is just a small bottle.

SIY is a slimming juice where you can slim down in ten days.

You will be having the item to poke it then a straw to suck the juice. But before that you need to shake the bottle first.

The contest has extend to 1st September, for more info just click on the link above.

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